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A RADi donor bought a Briquette Press (N220,000) and paid for the training of 5 rural women.

A RADi donor bought a Briquette Press (N220,000) and paid for the training of 5 rural women. In simple terms, these women were trained on how to substitute the firewood they use in their homes for briquettes. Today, they were taught to use groundnut shells, coconut shells, dry leaves, etc… to make this alternative to charcoal. It’s healthier for both humans and the environment, eventually reduces the felling of trees and also serves as a source of income. This Briquette Press has been donated to the women who will form a co-operative group, step-down the training to the group, and earn an income.
This is why RADi exists, to change lives for the better. God bless our donors. ❤️

RADi partnered with Agropedia Ltd for this project, and it was fully funded by a donor.